Yubikey 5Ci

Yubikey 5Ci


The Yubikey 5 Ci is the first security key with a Lightning port.

The Yubikey 5 Ci's USB-C connection works with a wide range of services, including:
Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Dashlane, Keeper Security, etc...

Why use the Yubikey 5Ci?

eliminates account takeovers and offers strong anti-phishing defense

Strong authentication for iOS and Android that stops account takeovers.

Reduces password takeover incidents by 92%.

Key with unlimited autonomy requiring no power supply.

Water and crush resistant.


Add your support Communication: USB-C and lightning port.

Protocols: FIDO2/WebAuthn, FIDO, U2F, PIV (smart card), OpenPGP, Yubico OTP, OATH-TOTP, OATH-HOTP and challenge response

Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

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